
Alaska Wild Harvest dba Kahiltna Birchworks

Category: Shops
5400 East Revolutionary Way
Wasilla, Alaska - 99654

(907) 373-1309

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Alaska Wild Harvest dba Kahiltna Birchworks is located in Wasilla, Alaska.

Business Hours

Please call (907) 373-1309 to find out the business hours of Alaska Wild Harvest dba Kahiltna Birchworks.

Accepted Payments

Most gift shops in Wasilla accepts both Cash and major Credit Cards. Please call (907) 373-1309 to find out available payment options accepted by Alaska Wild Harvest dba Kahiltna Birchworks.

Nearby Shopping

Following is a list of other shops found within few miles of Alaska Wild Harvest dba Kahiltna Birchworks. You may also view all shops in Wasilla, Alaska.

  • 3.06 Miles
    3161 East Palmer-Wasilla Highway #5, Wasilla, Alaska - 99654
    (907) 631-3029
  • 3.31 Miles
    1261 S Seward Meridian Rd, Wasilla, Alaska - 99654
    (907) 376-6468
  • 3.22 Miles
    1000 S Seward Meridian Rd, Wasilla, Alaska - 99654
    (907) 352-6800
  • 1.69 Miles
    2131 Dogwood Circle, Wasilla, Alaska - 99654
    (907) 376-5992

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