

Category: Restaurants - Fast Foods
4440 Central Place
Fairfield, California - 94533

(707) 864-1001

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McDonald's is located at 4440 Central Place, Fairfield, California. This is one of the 6 McDonald's found in Fairfield. Click here to view a list of all McDonald's in Fairfield, California.

Business Hours

Please call (707) 864-1001 to find out the business hours of McDonald's.

Accepted Payments

Most restaurants in Fairfield accepts both Cash and major Credit Cards. Please call (707) 864-1001 to find out available payment options accepted by McDonald's.

Nearby Restaurants

Following is a list of other restaurants found within few miles of McDonald's. You may also view all restaurants in Fairfield, California.

  • 5.32 Miles
    2982 Rockville Road, Fairfield, California - 94534
    (707) 419-5066
  • 0.09 Miles
    190 Pittman Road, Suisun City, California - 94534
    (707) 864-8466
  • 0.25 Miles
    251 Pittman Road #b, Fairfield, California - 94534
    (707) 673-2250
  • 2.55 Miles
    4171 Suisun Valley Road ## A, Fairfield, California - 94534
    (707) 864-2507
  • 0.08 Miles
    4437 Central Place, Fairfield, California - 94534
    (707) 389-2202
  • 1.45 Miles
    5055 Business Center Drive, Fairfield, California - 94534
    (707) 863-0225

User Reviews

  (5 ratings)
5 Star:
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1 Star:

There's no review submitted on McDonald's by direct visitors of this website. However, there's 5 ratings collected on this restaurant from other sources that's been included in the overall rating.

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